Talk on 'Osborne Gardens - Prince Albert's Pastime'
Wednesday 20th September 2023
11:00 (meet at 10:30)
Talk by Head Gardener Toby Beasley
In the Education Rooms at Osborne
Cost £5 ( to include a coffee and biscuit)
Toby will cover the development of the gardens from the Georgian Osborne to the garden Albert laid out. Also 20th Century alteration and restoration (with some potential future restoration) and some insights into lesser-known areas of the estate.
Wait by the green gate outide of Petty Officers' Quarters at 10:30 and a member of Friends will meet you and bring you to the Education Suite.
To book please complete the online booking form below or printout the form and post to Osborne House, East Cowes, PO32 6JX.