
The Royal Children at Osborne – talk by Mark Earp

Tuesday 11th July 2023

10:30 am - 12:00 pm

The full title of the talk:

The Royal Children on the Isle of Wight,
"Family Dynamics, Trauma and Temptation".

The bi-sensory presentation is a summary of the 9 Royal children's upbringing on the Isle of Wight. To some degree a period of stability before their continuing journey into adult life. Which would take them all into different Royal house holds across Europe.

To book please use the online form below or printout the page, complete and post to:
Friends of Osborne, Osborne House, East Cowes. Isle of Wight, PO32  6JX

The Royal Children at Osborne – talk by Mark Earp form

Printable form

Membership number
Number in your group
Names of others in your group 
Payment amount

Number @ £5 

Please state payment method.  Our preferred method is BACS 

BACS - HSBC Bank - A/C No 71781472 - Sort Code 40-34-26 

Cheque made payable to FRIENDS OF OSBORNE

BACS reference (if payment made via bank transfer)

Please use Royal Children as your BACS reference

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Cheques to be sent to Friends of Osborne, Osborne House, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6JX

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