
Membership Renewal Form

The below form can be used to renew your annual membership to the Friends of Osborne online.  The fields marked with an * require entries.  When complete, please ensure that you press the  SEND button.

NOTE  If you do not wish to renew your subscription online, a paper version of the Membership Renewal Application can be printed on one page from the Downloads section of this page.  Printing the online form using the 'Printable form' link uses 3 pages!

Membership Renewal Form

Printable form

Membership number

Please state the membership numbers of all those to be renewed.

Membership Card(s) Expiry Date
2nd Name (if renewing a Joint Membership)
Name of Child or Student member
Name of Child or Student member 2
Name of Child or Student member 3
Membership Fees

Individual membership subscription - £20.00
Joint membership subscription - £35.00
Child (age 3-17) at address of adult subscriber - £5.00
Student (age 18-23) with proof of full-time education - £10.00
Enter how many of each membership categories are required.

Payment amount

Please include the total amount for the required renewed memberships.

Please state payment method – our preferred method is BACS


HSBC Bank - A/C No 71781472 - Sort Code 40-34-26

BACS reference

Please useyour membership number as your BACS reference if you have instructed your bank to make payment via bank transfer.

BACS payment date


made payable to FRIENDS OF OSBORNE

Date cheque sent

 Cheques to be sent to The Membership Secretary, Friends of Osborne, Osborne House, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6JX.

Gift aid declaration 
I want to Gift Aid all subscriptions and donations I have made to the Friends of Osborne (charity number 1163175) in the past four years or make in the future, since the date of this declaration and any subscriptions or donations I may in future to be gift aid donations unless I notify you otherwise. I confirm that I pay at least as much UK income or capital gains tax as will be reclaimed by all charities on my donations in each tax year.

(If you are a UK Taxpayer, this will allow Friends of Osborne to reclaim 25p on every £1 that you give on your membership subscription and additional donations. Please state that you are happy for us to do this by ticking the box above).

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